There are around 5,000 community pharmacies in Australia.
If you’re looking to start distributing your cosmetic products through these outlets, enlisting the help of a pharmacy broker would be a wise step.
Selling pharmaceutical or cosmetic products is big business in Australia, so it’s worth taking the time to get the right broker if you think this is the right move for you.
Read on as we tell you everything you need to know about Australian pharmacy brokers.
What Are Australian Pharmacy Brokers?
You may already be familiar with the term “broker” in different contexts.
An insurance broker, for example, will consider many different insurance policies from many different providers before recommending the most suitable option for their client.
The service we offer is similar in some respects.
If your business is in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical goods, such as cosmetics or skincare products, we help you to get your products onto pharmacy shelves.
No matter what industry you’re in, displacing established brands can be difficult. Customers buy what they know, and retailers stock what customers buy.
Therefore, with an unknown name and a limited marketing budget, new brands can have a tough time getting their business off the ground.
At Rocket Brands, we liaise with retailers on behalf of producers like you. We’ll work with pharmacies to ensure that your products get the right exposure at the right time, boosting your sales and growing your brand.
This service isn’t limited to new enterprises. Many established brands have enlisted our help to grow their platform as well.
Why Should You Use a Pharmacy Broker?
You may be tempted to try to grow your business without the help of a distribution service like ours, whether to save on costs or simply to ensure that everything is done properly by overseeing it personally. This would be a mistake, for a number of reasons.
Firstly, product quality is only ever half the battle. No matter how well-made or effective your goods are, retailers will still opt for more established brands.
It poses less of a risk for them, and is therefore simply good business.
To get around this problem, a brokerage service like ours employs promotion and communication techniques to show retailers the true value of your offerings. We’ll help you market your goods properly, and grow your reach accordingly.
Also, because we’ll take care of this, you won’t have to. When you outsource your retailer relationship management to us, you can go back to focusing on the development of your goods as your first priority.
Liaising with retailers is our specialty. If you put us to work, you’ll multiply your reach instantly.
Foreign Markets
One of the most important parts of our service is the access we offer to foreign markets.
While you can have some success liaising with domestic pharmacies to stock your product, it is far more difficult to achieve this overseas. This leaves your business with a huge amount of untapped potential.
We have a proven track record of exposing our clients’ brands to foreign markets. We have many connections in lucrative emerging regions, such as China.
How to Find the Right Pharmacy Broker
There are many factors you should take into account when looking for a pharmacy broker.
Your first priority should be to find an organization with a proven track record of securing results for clients. The best predictor of future success is a high level of historic success.
Next, you’ll want someone you can have a good working relationship with. If you’re a relative newcomer, you’ll naturally have questions and concerns about the process. A good distribution service will be able to provide answers to your queries as they come up.
Things to Consider When Distributing Pharmaceuticals
Whether you’re interested in selling pharmaceuticals or cosmetic products, you’ll need to have a proper plan in place to ensure you make money. Your strategy should focus on your business goals, your target market and any likely pitfalls you’ll need to avoid.
Below are some of the key factors you’ll need to think about.
Employing the Right People
When setting out in business, it can be easy to convince yourself that your success or failure will be based entirely upon the strength of your own performance.
However, this is rarely the whole story. As a manufacturer, you’ll need to employ other people. The choices you make in this regard can end up defining your business.
This refers to your in-house team, but also the services you contract on a third-party basis.
Prioritisation of Specialisation
The success or failure of any business is ultimately dictated by the quality of their product or service. You’re in this business because you can manufacture high-quality pharmaceuticals, and this is a great foundation.
However, there is a range of other things you’ll need to get done too. These range from book-keeping to premises management to human resources.
When you’re selecting the operatives to carry out such tasks, what you want above all else is specialist experience. The more precisely aligned someone’s background is to the area you want them to work in, the better.
That’s why a service like ours is crucial when it comes to distribution. Getting products onto pharmacy shelves is our only focus, which means that we’ll do it more quickly and efficiently than you ever could without our help.
Making the Right Moves for Your Business
If you’ve decided to start selling cosmetics or other pharmaceuticals, it could be the best business move you’ve ever made. The pharmaceutical industry is a reliable moneymaker, regardless of economic conditions.
Australian pharmacy brokers like Rocket Brands will put you on the right track to finding retailers that will have your product sitting on every bathroom shelf in the country.
If you’re interested in arranging distribution for one of your products, or you have a question about any of our services, contact us today.